Wanderlust works with a wide variety of expert writers, photographers and explorers to ensure we are reporting accurate and inspiring stories from around the globe to our readers.
Since 2020, Wanderlust has committed to working on commissioning at least 20% of its content from travel writers from underrepresented backgrounds and historically underrepresented groups. These include members of Indigenous communities, people of colour, LGBTQIA+ activists, people with health conditions or impairments, and people from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.
We want everyone to share their passion for travel with our readers!
Browse our contributors below.
Abigail Hole
Adam Baines
Adam Hopkins
Adam Potter
Adelina Storkaas
Adrian Mourby
Adrian Phillips
Adrian Yalland
Ailsa Ross
Aimee Nance
Aimee White
Alan Murphy
Alastair Humphreys
Alex Kendall
Alex Robinson
Alexandra Gregg
Alf Alderson
Alice Morrison
Alice Soon
Amanda Harkin
Amar Grover
Amy Haddow
Amy Horsfield
Amy Watkins
Andrea Moreno
Andrew Eames
Andrew Lucero
Andrew Thomas
Andy Rhodes
Angela McManus
Anna Dubuis
Anna Nicholas
Annie B
Anthony DePalma
Anthony Ham
Anthony Lambert
Anthony Sattin
Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent
Ash Bhardwaj
Ashraf Masoud
Baia Dzagnidze
Ben Anderson
Ben Box
Ben Lerwill
Ben Oliver
Ben Redmond
Ben West
Beth Armstrong
Bob Maddams
Bradley Mayhew
Brendan Sainsbury
Brendan Wan
Brit Abroad
Bryn Thomas
Carol Cain
Carol Donaldson
Caroline Bishop
Caroline Eden
Caroline Sylge
Carolyn Boyd